Age Action Alliance and Flourishing Lives invite you to our free online workshop providing practical support for services for older people.
This workshop will focus on developing relational practice in older people’s arts & wellbeing services.
How does it feel when someone really listens to you?
How Not What is about people we work with feeling heard, visible, and valued. It’s about being part of a community; about building relationships in which everyone feels human and nourished.
How Not What is about shifting the focus from what we do as organisations to how we do it.
We are delighted to be joined by Lucien-Paul Stanfield, CEO of the Claremont Project and Founder of Flourishing Lives, who will facilitate the session.
The workshop will be an open discussion, offering creative practitioners and service providers the opportunity to share ideas and innovations around the following topics:
- The benefits of embedding ‘How Not What’ in our working practice.
- Meeting people as equals, rather than transactions to be completed.
- Reaching out to people, rather than expecting people to come to us.
- Reopening older people’s arts & wellbeing services after Covid in a more relational way. What have we learned from the past year? And what can we take forward to help make our services better?
- The benefits and challenges of working relationally and how to work safely and responsibly.
Join us to share ideas, refine your working practices, and meet other progressive people who are striving to innovate and excel in services for older people.
Please email if you have any queries or would like any further information.
How Not What has been developed by the Cripplegate Foundation and its Development Partner programme, in partnership with Claremont Project, Company Three, Help on Your Doorstep, The Parent House, and the London Borough of Islington’s Homes and Communities Team.
Read more about How Not What here:
Join the conversation: #HowNotWhat