Join us for a free monthly online informal ‘drop-in’ meeting for anyone interested in supporting anti-racist action in Arts & Wellbeing.
Flourishing Lives and the Anti-Racist Action Group (ARAG) in Arts & Wellbeing invite you to an informal ‘drop in’ meeting for anyone who is interested in exploring ways in which we can work together to support the wider arts and wellbeing sector to transform anti-racist action, and develop wider engagement in the arts and mental health.
The meetings are a great chance to simply step outside the normal day to day work and dream big, share news, exchange ideas, get something off your chest or just check in with and meet other like minded people.
The meetings will be held online on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, from 2 – 3pm. You can drop-in and take part in any or all of the discussions – everyone is welcome!
These drop-in sessions provide a transformational creative space and are kindly funded by The National Lottery Community Fund which will support Flourishing Lives and the Anti-Racist Action Group to explore a range of topics, issues and anti-racist actions over the next 2 years to help advocate for inclusive practice across the arts and wellbeing sector.
The Anti-Racist Action Group in Arts & Wellbeing is a group of representatives from arts, wellbeing and race equality charities – including Flourishing Lives, HEAR Network, Race Equality Foundation, Decolonising the Archive, and Southwark Culture Health and Wellbeing Partnership – who partner with ethnically and culturally diverse organisations, facilitators, community groups, participants and people to share their knowledge, expertise, learning and lived experience to support the wider arts and wellbeing sector to explore anti-racist action, and develop wider engagement in the arts and mental health. The aim is to facilitate conversations, deepen understanding and identify opportunities for change.
See you at the next meeting!
Join us to share ideas and advocate for inclusive practice and anti-racist action across the arts and wellbeing sector.
Tuesdays 13th June, 11th July, 12th September, 2pm – 3pm