Join us for a free online roundtable, designed and delivered by the Race Equality Foundation, exploring health inequalities and the experience of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
Flourishing Lives and the Anti-Racist Action Group in Arts & Wellbeing invite you to our latest free online workshop exploring anti-racist action and inclusive practice in arts & wellbeing services.
We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Race Equality Foundation on this workshop and are immensely grateful to Jabeer Butt OBE (CEO), Leandra Box (Programme Manager), and the Race Equality Foundation’s Policy team for designing and facilitating the session.
In this session we will:
- Explore the drivers/causes of health inequalities
- Share evidence on health inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
- Explore health inequalities at the intersections of race and older age
- We will then explore actions that can/should be taken to address health inequalities and promote better wellbeing for Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
The session will use mixed methods to share and explore evidence and issues, as well as signposting to other resources that can be used to enhance understanding and action.
Outcomes will include:
- Better understanding of the causes of health inequalities
- An introduction to the evidence (and its limitations) on health inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
- Better understanding of the actions that will lead to change and promote better wellbeing
About the Race Equality Foundation
The Race Equality Foundation are a national charity tackling racial inequality in public services to improve the lives of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
About The Anti-Racist Action Group in Arts & Wellbeing:
The Anti-Racist Action Group in Arts & Wellbeing is a group of representatives from arts, wellbeing and race equality charities – including Flourishing Lives, HEAR Network, Race Equality Foundation, Decolonising the Archive, and Southwark Culture Health and Wellbeing Partnership – who partner with ethnically and culturally diverse organisations, facilitators, community groups, participants and people to share their knowledge, expertise, learning and lived experience to support the wider arts and wellbeing sector to explore anti-racist action, and develop wider engagement in the arts and mental health. The aim is to facilitate conversations, deepen understanding and identify opportunities for change.
This discussion is part of an ongoing series of workshops and roundtables kindly funded by The National Lottery Community Fund which will support Flourishing Lives and the Anti-Racist Action Group to explore a range of topics, issues and anti-racist actions over the next 2 years to help advocate for inclusive practice across the arts and wellbeing sector.
Supporting people to participate:
We recognise it can sometimes be hard to attend events if you’re self employed or work part time, if you are a volunteer for a project or are the only person working in a community organisation, so we are offering a limited amount of financial support to ensure everyone who wants to attend is able to. For this event we can offer a £50 bursary to five participants. Unfortunately funds are limited so we can’t support everyone, and will be allocating on a first come first served basis once the criteria is met. When you register for the workshop you will have the option to apply for one of the bursary places. On review we will be in touch with those who have been successful in receiving the financial support.
Join us to share ideas and advocate for inclusive practice and anti-racist action across the arts and wellbeing sector.
Thursday 9th March 2023, 10am – 12pm GMT