Join us for a free online workshop in partnership with the Climate Coalition, exploring older people’s engagement in climate action and environmental practice.
Flourishing Lives and the Age Action Alliance Creative Arts Group invite you to our free online workshop providing practical support for services for older people.
This workshop will focus on supporting older people’s engagement in climate action, and developing environmental practice in older people’s arts & wellbeing services.
We are delighted to be joined by Grace Fisher (Community Organiser/ Mobiliser), Jasmine Vorraso (Campaigns & Communications Assistant) and Hannah McLean-Knight (Coalition Coordinator) from The Climate Coalition, who will co-facilitate the session.
The workshop will be an open discussion, offering older people, creative practitioners, and service providers the opportunity to share ideas and innovations around the following topics:
- Reflecting on what older people love and want to protect from climate change.
- Getting involved in the Climate Coalition’s ‘Great Big Green Week’ and ‘Show the Love’ campaigns.
- Examples of what older people are currently doing to campaign on climate change.
- Craftivism, Connectivity, and ideas for creative climate action.
- How older people’s groups can get involved in climate action.
The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change. They are a unique coalition of over 140 organisations – including the National Trust, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, and RSPB – and 22 million supporters, with distinctive partnerships across all political parties, multi-faith and development organisations, community and sports groups as well as environmental NGOs.
Join us to share ideas, refine your working practices, and meet other progressive people who are striving to innovate and excel in services for older people.
Wednesday 30th March 2022, 2.30pm – 4pm BST